By categories (preprints; journals and conferences; and thesis and reports) in reversed chronological order. I use [J] and [C] in front of the identification tab to distinguish between conference and journal papers.
Interestingly, Google Scholar attaches some whole numbers (yes, zero is included!) to my papers.
[C] NeurIPS
Learning Networked Systems that Obey Conserva- tion Laws from Stationary Processes
A. Rayas, J. Cheng, Rajasekhar Anguluri, D. Deka, and 1 more author
2023 (submitted to NeurIPS)
Robust Model Selection in Gaussian Graphical Models: Going Beyond Trees
A. Zahin, Rajasekhar Anguluri, and G. Dasarathy
2023 (submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research)
Controllability of Coarsely Measured Networked Linear Dynamical Systems (Extended Version)
N. Ghoroghchian, Rajasekhar Anguluri, G. Dasarathy, and S. C Draper
2022 (submitted to International Journal of Adpative Control and Signal Processing)
@article{anguluri2022network,author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Katewa, V. and Roy, S. and Pasqualetti, F.},journal={Automatica},volume={141},pages={110277},year={2022},publisher={Pergamon},}
A Complex-LASSO Approach for Localizing Forced Oscillations in Power Systems
Rajasekhar Anguluri, N. Taghipourbazargani, O. Kosut, and L. Sankar
@inproceedings{anguluri2022complex,title={A Complex-LASSO Approach for Localizing Forced Oscillations in Power Systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Taghipourbazargani, N. and Kosut, O. and Sankar, L.},booktitle={IEEE PES General Meeting},year={2022},organization={IEEE},}
Parameter Estimation in Ill-conditioned Low-inertia Power Systems
Rajasekhar Anguluri, L. Sankar, and O. Kosut
In IEEE North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2022
@inproceedings{anguluri2022parameter,title={Parameter Estimation in Ill-conditioned Low-inertia Power Systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Sankar, L. and Kosut, O.},booktitle={IEEE North American Power Symposium (NAPS)},year={2022},organization={IEEE},}
[J] Automatica
On a security vs privacy trade-off in interconnected dynamical systems
V. Katewa, Rajasekhar Anguluri, and F. Pasqualetti
@article{katewa2021security,title={On a security vs privacy trade-off in interconnected dynamical systems},author={Katewa, V. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Pasqualetti, F.},journal={Automatica},volume={125},pages={109426},year={2021},publisher={Pergamon},}
Grid Topology Identification With Hidden Nodes via Structured Norm Minimization
Rajasekhar Anguluri, G. Dasarathy, O. Kosut, and L. Sankar
@article{anguluri2021grid,title={Grid Topology Identification With Hidden Nodes via Structured Norm Minimization},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Dasarathy, G. and Kosut, O. and Sankar, L.},journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters},volume={6},pages={1244--1249},year={2021},publisher={IEEE},}
Deflection-based attack detection for network systems
@inproceedings{anguluri2021deflection,title={Deflection-based attack detection for network systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={American Control Conference (ACC)},pages={3254--3259},year={2021},organization={IEEE},}
[C] L4DC
On the robustness of data-driven controllers for linear systems
Rajasekhar Anguluri, Abed A. Al Makdah, V. Katewa, and F. Pasqualetti
@inproceedings{anguluri2020robustness,title={On the robustness of data-driven controllers for linear systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Al Makdah, Abed A. and Katewa, V. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={Learning for Dynamics and Control},pages={404--412},year={2020},organization={PMLR},}
Centralized versus decentralized detection of attacks in stochastic interconnected systems
Rajasekhar Anguluri, V. Katewa, and F. Pasqualetti
@article{anguluri2019centralized,title={Centralized versus decentralized detection of attacks in stochastic interconnected systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Katewa, V. and Pasqualetti, F.},journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},volume={65},number={9},pages={3903--3910},year={2019},publisher={IEEE},}
A probabilistic approach to design switching attacks against interconnected systems
Rajasekhar Anguluri, V. Katewa, and F. Pasqualetti
@inproceedings{anguluri2019probabilistic,title={A probabilistic approach to design switching attacks against interconnected systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Katewa, V. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={American Control Conference (ACC)},pages={4430--4435},year={2019},organization={IEEE},}
PhD Thesis
Security of Interconnected Stochastic Dynamical Systems
@inproceedings{anguluri2018role,title={On the role of information sharing in the security of interconnected systems},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Katewa, V. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)},pages={1168--1173},year={2018},organization={IEEE},}
Attack detection in stochastic interconnected systems: Centralized vs decentralized detectors
Rajasekhar Anguluri, V. Katewa, and F. Pasqualetti
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2018
@inproceedings{anguluri2018attack,title={Attack detection in stochastic interconnected systems: Centralized vs decentralized detectors},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Katewa, V. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},pages={4541--4546},year={2018},organization={IEEE},}
Secure reference-tracking with resource-constrained uavs
V. Katewa, Rajasekhar Anguluri, A. Ganlath, and F. Pasqualetti
In IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) 2017
@inproceedings{katewa2017secure,title={Secure reference-tracking with resource-constrained uavs},author={Katewa, V. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Ganlath, A. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)},pages={1319--1325},year={2017},organization={IEEE},}
Network invariants for optimal input detection
Rajasekhar Anguluri, R. Dhal, S. Roy, and F. Pasqualetti
@inproceedings{anguluri2016network,title={Network invariants for optimal input detection},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Dhal, R. and Roy, S. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={American Control Conference (ACC)},pages={3776--3781},year={2016},organization={IEEE},}
Cross-layer codesign for secure cyber-physical systems
B. Zheng, P. Deng, Rajasekhar Anguluri, Q. Zhu, and 1 more author
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2016
@article{zheng2016cross,author={Zheng, B. and Deng, P. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Zhu, Q. and Pasqualetti, F.},journal={IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},volume={35},number={5},pages={699--711},year={2016},publisher={IEEE},}
Periodic coordinated attacks against cyber-physical systems: Detectability and performance bounds
Rajasekhar Anguluri, V. Gupta, and F. Pasqualetti
In IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2016
@inproceedings{anguluri2016periodic,title={Periodic coordinated attacks against cyber-physical systems: Detectability and performance bounds},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Gupta, V. and Pasqualetti, F.},booktitle={IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},pages={5079--5084},year={2016},organization={IEEE},}
A hybrid differential artificial bee colony algorithm based tuning of fractional order controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
Rajasekhar Anguluri, A. Abraham, and M. Pant
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2014
@article{rajasekhar2014hybrid,title={A hybrid differential artificial bee colony algorithm based tuning of fractional order controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Abraham, A. and Pant, M.},journal={International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics},volume={5},number={3},pages={327--337},year={2014},publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}}
Design of intelligent PID/PI\lambdaDμspeed controller for chopper fed DC motor drive using opposition based artificial bee colony algorithm
Rajasekhar Anguluri, R. Jatoth, and A. Abraham
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2014
@article{rajasekhar2014design,title={Design of intelligent PID/PI$\lambda$D$\mu$ speed controller for chopper fed DC motor drive using opposition based artificial bee colony algorithm},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Jatoth, R. and Abraham, A.},journal={Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence},volume={29},pages={13--32},year={2014},publisher={Pergamon}}
An optimal design of coordinated PI based PSS with TCSC controller using modified teaching learning based optimization
B. S. Theja, Rajasekhar Anguluri, and A. Abraham
In World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing 2013
@inproceedings{theja2013optimal,title={An optimal design of coordinated PI based PSS with TCSC controller using modified teaching learning based optimization},author={Theja, B. S. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Abraham, A.},booktitle={World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing},pages={99--106},year={2013},organization={IEEE},}
Fractional order PID controller design for speed control of chopper fed DC motor drive using artificial bee colony algorithm
Rajasekhar Anguluri, S. Das, and A. Abraham
In World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing 2013
@inproceedings{rajasekhar2013fractional,title={Fractional order PID controller design for speed control of chopper fed DC motor drive using artificial bee colony algorithm},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Das, S. and Abraham, A.},booktitle={World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing},pages={259--266},year={2013},organization={IEEE}}
Design of PID controller based power system stabilizer using Modified Philip-Heffron’s model: An artificial bee colony approach
B. S. Theja, Rajasekhar Anguluri, DP Kothari, and S. Das
In IEEE Symposium on Swarm Intelligence (SIS) 2013
@inproceedings{theja2013design,title={Design of PID controller based power system stabilizer using Modified Philip-Heffron's model: An artificial bee colony approach},author={Theja, B. S. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Kothari, DP and Das, S.},booktitle={IEEE Symposium on Swarm Intelligence (SIS)},pages={228--234},year={2013},organization={IEEE},}
Design of fractional order controller for a servohydraulic positioning system with micro artificial bee colony algorithm
@inproceedings{rajasekhar2012design,title={Design of fractional order controller for a servohydraulic positioning system with micro artificial bee colony algorithm},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Das, S. and Suganthan, P. N},booktitle={IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation},pages={1--8},year={2012},organization={IEEE}}
An intelligent coordinated design of UPFC based power system stabilizer for dynamic stability enhancement of SMIB power system
B. S. Theja, Rajasekhar Anguluri, and DP Kothari
In IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) 2012
@inproceedings{theja2012intelligent,title={An intelligent coordinated design of UPFC based power system stabilizer for dynamic stability enhancement of SMIB power system},author={Theja, B. S. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Kothari, DP},booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES)},pages={1--6},year={2012},organization={IEEE},}
Coordinated design of power system stabilizer using thyristor controlled series compensator controller: An artificial bee colony approach
B. S. Theja, A. Raviteja, Rajasekhar Anguluri, and A. Abraham
In International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies 2012
@inproceedings{theja2012coordinated,title={Coordinated design of power system stabilizer using thyristor controlled series compensator controller: An artificial bee colony approach},author={Theja, B. S. and Raviteja, A. and Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Abraham, A.},booktitle={International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies},pages={606--611},year={2012},organization={IEEE},}
[J] Acta Slovaca
A Hybrid Bacterial foraging-PSO algorithm based tuning of optimal FOPI speed controller
@article{anguluri2011hybrid,title={A Hybrid Bacterial foraging-PSO algorithm based tuning of optimal FOPI speed controller},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Abraham, A. and Snasel, V.},journal={Acta Montanistica Slovaca},volume={16},number={1},pages={55},year={2011}}
A novel hybrid ABF-PSO algorithm based tuning of optimal FOPI speed controller for PMSM drive
Rajasekhar Anguluri, R. Jatoth, A. Abraham, and V. Snasel
In 12th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC) 2011
@inproceedings{rajasekhar2011novel,title={A novel hybrid ABF-PSO algorithm based tuning of optimal FOPI speed controller for PMSM drive},author={Anguluri, Rajasekhar and Jatoth, R. and Abraham, A. and Snasel, V.},booktitle={12th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC)},pages={320--325},year={2011},organization={IEEE}}
Thesis and reports
PhD Thesis
Security of Interconnected Stochastic Dynamical Systems